Shot baby expected to return home next week

The one year old baby shot by a stray bullet in El Socorro is expected to be released from hospital next week.
The update was provided to Newsday by his grandmother, Ismaela Acosta.
On Monday night, Jose Nunez was outside the family's Lootoo Street, El Socorro, apartment playing with two other children when he was hit in the buttocks by a stray bullet. He was taken to the Eric Williams Medical Sciences Complex for treatment and remains in stable condition.
Acosta told Newsday his mother, Enyerwi Nunez, 26, stays at his side day and night. She was unable to say whether Nunez's injuries would have lasting effects on him. However, she said he constantly cries because of the pain.
While the family continues to worry about the baby, Acosta said they are also concerned with their ability to afford the expense.
"Well, it's not easy...I don't have a job and I don't have any savings, so it's not easy to be able to send water, juices, soup, and diapers, and above all, the tickets to go up to (the hospital) twice a day," she said.
On Tuesday, Acosta also expressed concern over their ability to take care of the baby when he returns home.
Newsday attempted to reach Minister of Social Development and Family Services, Donna Cox, via phone and Whatsapp for comment on any possible assistance that could be given to the family. All went unanswered up to press time.
"Shot baby expected to return home next week"