Police want bail of Chinese businessman on meth lab charge revoked

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PROSECUTORS are requesting the revocation of bail of the La Romaine businessman before the court on a charge of possession of methamphetamine for the purpose of trafficking.

The oral application was made on Tuesday, when Hong Fei Wu, 24, appeared virtually before senior magistrate Armina Deonaringsingh.

Prosecutors argued that Hong breached his bail condition that he continues to reside at the La Romaine address he gave the court when he was granted $100,000 bail on August 15.

Hong will continue on that bail sum until Friday when Deonarinesingh gives her ruling on the police’s application to revoke bail and one filed by his attorneys for a change of address.

Acting Cpl Gervais argued that the Gulf View, La Romaine, residence provided by Hong has been unoccupied since March.

He said the police did not know where Hong was living at this time and this should give rise to a revocation of his bail for a breach of the bail conditions.

However, Hong’s attorney, Larry Williams, said his client has shown up in court and presented himself to the police.

He also took issue with recent statements by National Security Minister Fitzgerald Hinds who, last week, appeared to suggest that Hong had fled the country.

The minister was expressing disappointment over the “easily accessible bail” granted to suspects, particularly to non-nationals.

“The methamphetamine laboratory operator, one non-national, was arrested and much to my surprise and much to the demoralisation of the police officers involved, as they reported it to me, the man, who was given very, very easily accessible bail and God knows if he may have left the country as well,” Hinds said at the opening day of the Human Impacts of Autonomous Weapons Systems conference at the Hyatt Regency, Port-of-Spain.

Williams said he could not say his client had breached his bail condition or if he had moved and asked for time to provide the court with a statutory declaration from Hong’s bailor, the lease for a new apartment he intends to reside at and a statement from his new landlord.

“He has shown up, presented himself and is in the country.

“He is not running because he showed up in court. I hope the Minister of National Security in commenting incorrectly did not affect the defendant.

“I ask that it not be blown out of context because of what was said by the Minister of National Security.”

Williams said his client also expressed fear after his La Romaine address was published and this prompted his need to move.

“He was scared for safety. After Fitzgerald Hinds turned up the heat on him, it became very uncomfortable for him.

“We just ask the police not to release the info (where he intends to move to) because he is scared of something happening to him.

“He is not running anywhere.”

Deonarinesingh granted the adjournment until Friday to consider the two applications.

“The paramount consideration is that the defendant has shown up to court.”

However, she expressed concern that she was not sure he was understanding the court’s proceedings or that he spoke English.

She also ordered that he attend court from the San Fernando district court located at the Madinah building since he was, at the start of Tuesday’s hearing, in a moving vehicle.

“He cannot attend court in the future from a moving vehicle.”

Hong also presented himself at the Marabella police station to prove he was in the jurisdiction.

According to the summary of evidence presented to the court by the police, on August 10, officers from the Special Branch were conducting surveillance at The Residences before executing a search warrant for firearm and ammunition possession.

A vehicle, which was mentioned during the hearing, was searched and certain items were allegedly found, including cash and packets of clear crystalline substances said to resemble methamphetamine.

Boxes of cold and flu tablets and other items, including paraphernalia and chemical substances were also allegedly recovered.

Cellphones, cash of varying currencies and computer devices were allegedly seized by the officers during the search and the items found were photographed by crime scene investigators while scientific officers from the FSC took samples of chemicals and kept 12 packets for further testing.

In a statement, police confirmed that officers had discovered a quantity of cash, precursor chemicals and packets of crystals of various sizes resembling that of methamphetamine.

The police said it was the first methamphetamine laboratory in Trinidad and Tobago.

The police also said the discovery followed an extensive intelligence-led operation in partnership with US law enforcement agencies.

When he was granted bail, Deonarinsingh admitted to not being familiar with “this item (methamphetamine) or the amount” nor was there an estimated value from a professional source.

Wu is also represented by attorney Toni Roberts.


"Police want bail of Chinese businessman on meth lab charge revoked"

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