Rare green comet Nishimura visible tonight

After 435 years, a rare bright green comet is making its way towards the Sun.

The last sighting of this comet took place at least two decades before Italian scientist Galileo Galilei designed a telescope in 1609.

Nishimura, named after the amateur Japanese astronomer Hideo Nishimura, who also discovered two other comets, is expected to be visible from the northern hemisphere.

The comet is due to be closest to Earth on September 12.

According to The Sky Live website, Nishimura should be visible from Trinidad and Tobago, with the use of binoculars, at 5.19 am tomorrow, before sunrise, near the constellation Leo.

As long as this comet survives its travel towards the Sun, it won’t return to Earth again for another 430 years – around the year 2458.

The Sky Live also says some planets will be visible to the naked eye tonight:

Mars at 7.15 pm

Saturn, which rises at 5.12 pm and sets at 4.55 am

Jupiter, which rises at 9:27 pm and sets at 9:48 am

Venus at 3.31 am

Mercury at 5.19 am


"Rare green comet Nishimura visible tonight"

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