[UPDATED] THA Health Secretary denies political victimisation claim

Health Secretary Dr Faith BYisrael  - THA
Health Secretary Dr Faith BYisrael - THA

TOBAGO House of Assembly (THA) Deputy Chief Secretary and Secretary of Health, Wellness and Social Protection Dr Faith BYisrael has denied PNM Tobago Council political leader Ancil Dennis's claims of “political victimisation” after a contract at her division was not renewed.

BYisrael was responding to the accusation that she fired a contract worker in her division. Speaking at a PNM press conference earlier this week, Dennis said the action was tantamount to “wickedness and spite.”

He said, “It has happened several times already. Contract officers are at risk because a secretary could get up on the wrong side of the bed in the morning or a secretary could see you waving a PNM flag if you are a PNM or a secretary could just dislike you for no reason and decide that your bread and butter done.

“Nothing for you. Go home.”

Dennis added that in the public service, politicians were responsible for policy but they ought not to get involved in procurement, recruitment and matters relating to personnel and industrial relations.

He said during his tenure as chief secretary, the THA had standardised contract arrangements for contract employees at three years because previously “there were some anomalies.”

Workers would have only received one- and two-year contracts in certain cases, he added.

Dennis said as far as he was aware that policy had not changed.

Speaking with Newsday on Friday, BYisrael said Dennis's claims were false.

“Of course not. If any employee or former employee has an issue, they can bring it to the attention of the administrator or myself.”

She said the current administration was simply following human-resource protocols that were already in place.

“The Division of Health, Wellness and Social Protection utilises the approved HR policies and practices that this administration met when we became the executive in December 2021.”

This story has been adjusted to include additional details. See original post below.

THA Deputy Chief Secretary and Secretary of Health, Wellness and Social Protection Dr Faith BYisrael has denied PNM Tobago Council political leader Ancil Dennis's claims of “political victimisation” after a contract at her division was not renewed.

BYisrael was responding to the accusation that she fired a contract worker in her division. Speaking at a PNM press conference earlier this week, Dennis said the action was tantamount to “wickedness and spite.”

Speaking with Newsday, BYisrael said the claims were false.

“Of course not. If any employee or former employee has an issue, they can bring it to the attention of the administrator or myself.”

She said the current administration was simply following human resource protocols that were already in place.

“The Division of Health, Wellness and Social Protection utilises the approved HR policies and practices that this administration met when we became the executive in December 2021.”


"[UPDATED] THA Health Secretary denies political victimisation claim"

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