Defending yourself from home invaders

Opposition Leader Kamla Persad-Bissessar - Lincoln Holder
Opposition Leader Kamla Persad-Bissessar - Lincoln Holder

THE EDITOR: It seems as though there are many concerns and even sympathy for home invaders and other assailants, possibly bandits, rapists or even murderers. There are many concerns about the recent advice from Opposition Leader Kamla Persad-Bissessar. That victims of these crimes take whatever action is available to defend themselves.

But are the defenders of the perpetrators taking into consideration the fear, trauma and mental, emotional and physical suffering of the victims? The trauma when the crime is being committed? Has any of the defenders taken into consideration what it is like for a man to see his wife or daughter being raped and he is helpless to save them? Or a child looking at his elderly mother or father mercilessly beaten by bandits asking for "all" the money or valuables? Or parents having to look on as their child is bound, gagged and carted off by hooligans?

If these heinous crimes can be prevented by whatever means available, including using a firearm, then can a homeowner be blamed for protecting his family? Invading someone's home, his sanctuary, his place of retreat, safety and comfort, is one of the most atrocious crimes that a human being can inflict on another. Are these criminals human at all, or are they animals? If they behave like animals shouldn't they be treated similarly?

The fear and trauma these criminals instil in innocent citizens are reckless, unwarranted and unnecessary. If the criminal elements do not treat us as humans and care nothing about our lives, why should we care about theirs?

That brings me to the discussion concerning the issuing of firearms to citizens to protect themselves and their families. One cannot expect to confront a would-be killer armed with a gun, with a knife or cutlass. That is ridiculous and even laughable. Although it is not a laughing matter. Citizens need to have firearms just like the assailants. If they come with guns then there can only be one thing on their minds. To kill or maim. We the law-abiding citizens need to be adequately prepared.

I had the unfortunate experience recently when I was confronted by an assailant who wanted to drive off with my car in Tunapuna. He had a gun to my head. My immediate reaction was to disarm him and use the firearm on him as my five-year-old son was asleep on the back seat. It was either I died there and then while attempting to save my child, or die a slow death in great agony if he had managed to drive off with him.

God was on my side and in the struggle the gun fell out of his hand and after I dealt him several blows he grabbed the weapon and ran off as several people began to converge on us. I was bruised and scratched badly but I had saved my child.

The argument that we would become a western-style society is definitely unfounded. We have reached that stage already with the amount of arms and ammunition in the public domain. But in the wrong hands. There is a saying that the horses and cows are left to starve while the grass grows but in this case "the grass is being burnt down so there will be no farm" for future generations. It is a tragic state of affairs.




"Defending yourself from home invaders"

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