Where will it all end?

Opposition Leader Kamla Persad-Bissessar addressing the UNC’s public meeting in Chaguanas on Monday evening.  - Office of the Opposition Leader
Opposition Leader Kamla Persad-Bissessar addressing the UNC’s public meeting in Chaguanas on Monday evening. - Office of the Opposition Leader

THE EDITOR: It has been said that the Devil himself can cite Scripture for his own purpose. This truism came to mind on my hearing a UNC platform speaker at a public meeting which was televised urging to the public that their stand your ground policy against home intruders finds support in the Bible, specifically quoting Exodus 22:2.

That reference speaks to a man, who in the protection of his home from a thief, kills the invader not being a murderer. Now that is right but what the Scripture does not say is that a person having so killed may not be rendered liable to other criminal consequences such as being possibly liable to the offence of manslaughter, as the law presently stands.

But the speaker and the purveyors of the policy do not say so, even though to any first-year law student that possibility would likely be glaringly obvious and the quoted reference does not in terms exclude criminal liability for such killing. Is this really lost on those who quote the Scripture as providing justification for the policy?

To be clear, the Bible does not give absolution to the killer as to such killing as the pretenders suggest to the population and indeed the Lord’s Sixth Commandment speaks against killing: “Thou shalt not kill.”

Not unexpectedly this stand your ground policy as promoted and as is now being further explained has led to the madness of citizens being encouraged that “when the criminals invade your home, draw your licensed firearm and light dem up. Empty the whole clip. Reload." No scripture promotes that. Where will it all end?


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"Where will it all end?"

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