Celebrations for World Steelpan Day in Woodford Square

Pan will sound in all its glory at Woodford Square this Friday as the country celebrates World Steelpan Day.
The day was officially declared by the UN on July 24. World Steelpan Day is August 11.
Pan Trinbago, along with the Ministry of Tourism, Culture and the Arts, the National Carnival Commission (NCC), the National Gas Company, Visit Trinidad and the East Port of Spain Development Company will host the event, which is scheduled to begin at 5 pm.
Both conventional large bands and single pan bands will perform.
From noon, there will be 11 single pan bands performing at various points from Piccadilly Street to Woodford Square. These include reigning single band Panorama champions San Juan Chord Masters.
Then there will be a procession from Massy Trinidad All Stars Duke Street panyard to Woodford Square, led by the Pan Trinbago executives and pan leaders.
The eight large bands expected to play at Woodford Square are the National Steel Orchestra, Massy Trinidad All Stars, BP Renegades, Desperadoes, HADCO Phase II Pan Groove, Nutrien Silver Stars, First Citizens Supernovas and Heritage Petroleum Skiffle.
Last month, Pan Trinbago president Beverley Ramsey-Moore said there was going to be a massive celebration on the day in Port of Spain, including pan from behind the bridge to Woodford Square.
She then added that global pan enthusiasts and organisations would speak.
Pan Trinbago is currently celebrating Pan Month, which is being observed with a number of events.
"Celebrations for World Steelpan Day in Woodford Square"