Moonilal: Police fail to reassure home-owners on crime

Oropouche MP Dr Roodal Moonilal. - Photo by Ayanna Kinsale
Oropouche MP Dr Roodal Moonilal. - Photo by Ayanna Kinsale

OROPOUCHE East MP Dr Roodal Moonilal said the police had failed to recognise public concerns over crime and to give reassurance to home-owners, in a statement on Thursday titled, TTPS offers no hope in home invasion crisis. He used the occasion to firmly support Opposition Leader Kamla Persad-Bissessar's call for "stand your ground" laws to indemnify home-owners who use force in self defence against intruders.

This came a day after the police service issued a statement stating the legal restrictions on firearm use and offering household tips for home-owners to deter intruders such as illuminating outside their homes, securing gates, using solid and windowless front doors, and utilising deadbolt locks and CCTV cameras.

Moonilal said, "The response of the police to the scourge of home invasions does not offer hope for nationals who are under siege by brutal criminals.

"In its latest media statement the police seems to be suggesting that fear-stricken residents lock their doors, put on a light, and call the police if they are attacked."

He said the police statement was not befitting of a concerned police service, which ought to be painfully aware of the frequency of home invasions by heavily-armed and brutal young thugs with speedy getaway vehicles and a lay of the land.

Moonilal said the police portrayed crime as being in declined, which did not match the cold fact of innocent elderly citizens assaulted and murdered at home.

"Despite the TTPS assertion that there have been arrests of criminals, life has become a nightmare for citizens, who are forced to retreat into their homes early and limit their business and leisure hours.

"The failure of the authorities to curb this dreadful epidemic of our times makes it imperative that stand your ground legislation is introduced in order to give law-abiding citizens an opportunity to defend themselves."

He said such laws have existed in 38 states in the US, several European countries, and various other nations.

"The core principle of stand your ground laws is long-standing and is embedded in defending your family and property in a manner proportional to the threat."

He said supreme courts in many countries have upheld these laws dubbed “line in the sand” and “no retreat, no surrender” laws.

"Legislations provide for people to respond to threats to their life, rape, or serious bodily injury with lethal force."

Laws like those proposed by the UNC helped reduce crime in several jurisdictions and safeguard people’s security.

"It is also regrettable that the TTPS continues to communicate with the crime-ridden society in a detached manner and does not face the scrutiny of the media."

He said the police must provide solutions and optimism to TT, as a besieged land, by courageously facing critical examination and criticism.

"Successful law enforcement everywhere display bravery and fortitude during times of crisis, and no do shield themselves behind cold statements and recorded messages." He said Persad-Bissessar made a courageous and clear statement urging home owners to defend themselves within the law.

"Why does the Government not want the people to defend themselves when the Government clearly demonstrated that they cannot defend the people?

"Mrs Persad Bissessar and the UNC are for the people. The Government appears to be defending the criminal elements.

"Mrs Persad Bissessar stands on the side of victims traumatized by heinous crime. Her stand must be applauded!"


"Moonilal: Police fail to reassure home-owners on crime"

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