PSA hails ‘victory’ over judge’s recusal over TTRA case

Justice Betsy Ann Lambert-Peterson - File photo
Justice Betsy Ann Lambert-Peterson - File photo

The Public Service Association (PSA) has hailed the decision by a high court judge to recuse herself from hearing a judicial review claim as a "victory for the rule of law and the constitution of the land."

Justice Betsy Ann Lambert-Peterson, who presided over the legal challenge to the constitutional validity of the TT Revenue Authority (TTRA), disqualified herself on the ground of apparent bias at the bias application hearing filed by the attorney representing the association.

A media statement signed by PSA general secretary Kellon Wallace on Thursday said: "The judge granted the PSA’s application today after a historic hearing indicating that it was in the best interest of the administration of justice."

"This is a victory for the workers and the rule of law. President Leroy Baptiste personally gave affidavit evidence in support of the bias application."

Wallace said Baptiste pointed out that the workers had raised legitimate concerns about the close political relationship between the judge’s husband Gilbert Peterson SC and the Prime Minister given "the magnitude of the multi-million dollar financial and other benefits he had received from the Government."

Last Friday, the judge issued a statement indicating that she saw no reason to step down.

The judge has since announced that the TTRA matter will be reassigned to another judge.

The PSA hopes this is quickly and without delay as the rights of thousands of workers hang in the balance.

"The appeal against Justice Lambert-Peterson’s refusal to grant an injunction restraining the government from operationalising the TTRA is scheduled to be heard by the Court of Appeal on Tuesday."

Wallace said the association looks forward to this important hearing.

PSA labelled TTRA as unconstitutional and illegal, saying it removes the protection of workers at the Board of Inland Revenue and Customs and Excise Division. The association claims political interference saying TTRA might instead place workers in an "uncomfortable and oppressive" position.

The statement said the PSA is opposed to the politicisation of two of the most important departments in enforcing and administrating taxes and revenues.

It added, "The TTRA is open to political manipulation and influence, and this cannot be in the interest of workers or the public. We, therefore, stand firm in our journey for justice and recommit ourselves to this legal struggle on behalf of the workers."


"PSA hails ‘victory’ over judge’s recusal over TTRA case"

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