Creating a sensation: 5 tips for crafting viral content


Whether you are a brand, an influencer or just an everyday social media user, there is something undeniably exhilarating about creating content that "breaks" the internet.

But what's the secret recipe for viral content? How do you create a post or video that sweeps across the digital landscape like wildfire?

Today, we'll break down five simple strategies for creating viral content.

Now, as a disclaimer, there is never a guarantee that your content will go viral, and this should never be the goal with your content. If you are a business, the focus should be on creating educational and entertaining content that allows you to be a resource for your community.

However, when it comes to viral content, there are some key components that you can add to the mix to create a better chance of the content spreading.

Here are five tips for crafting viral content:

Emotion is the engine

Let's start with what fuels virality – emotion.

Content that triggers strong emotions – whether it’s joy, surprise, awe, or anger – is more likely to be shared. Think of it like this: when we encounter something that stirs our feelings, we instinctively want to share that experience with others, just like we do in our everyday, offline lives.

In other words, if you want to create content that moves people, make sure it moves them emotionally.

Keep it snappy and real

No one wants to read a novel when they're scrolling through social media; leave that for your blog.

Your social media content should be concise and get to the point without taking too long. Your content also needs to feel real and relatable. The viral moments we remember are often the ones that echo our own experiences or give voice to thoughts and feelings we all share.

Bottom line: keep your content simple, direct, and grounded in real human experience.

Picture worth a thousand shares

We humans are visual creatures who are naturally drawn to content that's eye-catching.

That's why posts with images or videos tend to get more likes, shares, and comments than plain text posts.

But it's not just about slapping any old photo or video on your post. The visuals you use should tell a story, spark curiosity or evoke emotion.

The takeaway: invest time and effort into creating or finding visuals that will grab your audience's attention.

Make 'em click, swipe and share

Interactive content is a powerful tool for driving engagement.

This could be anything from a quiz that tells you which superhero you are to a poll asking for your opinion on a trending topic.

By inviting your audience to interact with your content, you're not just engaging them – you're making them a part of your content's story. And that's something they'll want to share with others.

In a nutshell, turn passive viewers into active participants to increase shares.

Ride the hashtag wave

If you've spent any time on social media, you've probably noticed that certain topics or hashtags can suddenly explode in popularity.

By tapping into these trending themes – whether it's a viral challenge, a major news event or a popular meme – you can significantly boost the visibility of your content.

Just make sure the trend is relevant to your audience and your content – forcing a connection will feel artificial and off-putting.

Translation: keep an eye on trending topics and hashtags. Don't be afraid to jump on the bandwagon when it makes sense.

Remember, while these strategies can certainly increase your chances of going viral, there are no guarantees. The internet is a fickle place, and what resonates one da, may not the next.

But with a bit of creativity, a strong understanding of your audience and a little bit of luck, you'll be well on your way to creating content that's primed to go viral.

As a business, your content does not need to be boring or dry. The audience on social media doesn’t come onto these platforms to be sold to. They want to be educated, entertained and inspired.

You also need to keep in mind that just because you meet an influencer who is doing great on their own with their content, that doesn’t mean when you hire them for an ad, they are automatically going to create a viral ad for you.

Your business can create far-reaching content: you just need to practise and keep these tips in mind.

Keron Rose is a digital strategist who works with Caribbean entrepreneurs to build their digital presence and monetize their platforms.

Learn more at or listen to the Digipreneur FM podcast on Apple Podcast, Spotify or Google Podcast.


"Creating a sensation: 5 tips for crafting viral content"

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