Haynes: Hinds has no defence

centre, Fitzgerald Hinds, Minister of National Security accompanied by Senior Superintendent Rishi Singh;head of Homicide Unit of TTPS and director at Forensic Science Centre, Derrick Sankar accompanied with his security detail - ROGER JACOB
centre, Fitzgerald Hinds, Minister of National Security accompanied by Senior Superintendent Rishi Singh;head of Homicide Unit of TTPS and director at Forensic Science Centre, Derrick Sankar accompanied with his security detail - ROGER JACOB

TABAQUITE MP Anita Haynes said National Security Minister Fitzgerald Hinds has no defence to the Opposition's position that he is unfit to serve in this post.

Haynes made this argument in her contribution to debate on a no confidence motion against Hinds in the House of Representatives on Friday.

She recalled that Hinds made his contribution to the motion, filed by Barataria/San Juan MP Saddam Hosein, when the debate began in April.

Haynes said in his contribution, Hinds provided no justification as to why he should not be relieved of his post.

Opposition MPs thumped their desks when Haynes declared that under Hinds, "We have seen the highest recorded number of murders in the country."

She remembered that in his contribution, Hinds presented his resume.

Haynes said there was nothing from Hinds' tenure in secondary school, the cadet force or the police service, which showed he developed the competencies needed to serve as national security minister

She recalled that in his contribution, Hinds said he left the police service to become an insurance agent.

Haynes opined that Hinds made this career switch because he did not have what it takes to be a police officer.

During her contribution, Haynes was interrupted by some inaudible comments from Hinds and opposition MPs.

Deputy Speaker Esmond Forde cautioned MPs, "Two wrongs don't make a right."

Earlier in the sitting, Public Utilities Minister Marvin Gonzales said the Opposition was misleading the population into believing that crime would be reduced if a person is removed as national security minister.

"You are selling this country cat in bag."

Gonzales said fighting crime was not only the responsibility of a national security minister.

The Government and the Parliament had roles in this matter as well.

Gonzales said all members of the government support Hinds.

But he lamented that "we don't have an opposition that is willing to cooperate."

Gonzales said, "The criminals are following what goes on in this Parliament."


"Haynes: Hinds has no defence"

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