No need for advance notice

Minister of Works and Transport Rohan Sinanan - ANGELO MARCELLE
Minister of Works and Transport Rohan Sinanan - ANGELO MARCELLE

THE EDITOR: I refer to Monday's column by Reginald Dumas headed "An act of cynicism."

In commenting on the road traffic exercise in Tobago in April by the Licensing Division of the Ministry of Works and Transport, in collaboration with the TTPS, Dumas wrote that "...the THA should, as a matter of courtesy, have been quietly informed in advance of the operations. Not too long in advance, though."

I disagree with Dumas's assertion.

That Tobago exercise was a matter pertaining to law enforcement. It is absurd to suggest that politicians should be given any advance notice of such an exercise. That would amount to political interference. Such information ought to be a closely guarded secret on a need-to-know basis.

The President, the Prime Minister, the Minister of Works and Transport ought not to be informed in advance, even in Trinidad, when such exercises are undertaken. That is to protect office holders from allegations of political interference/influence.


The licensing officers and the police acted correctly and ought to be commended for the way they handled this matter. It demonstrated their integrity and professionalism in the face of persistent attempts to intimidate them by those who should know better.


St Augustine


"No need for advance notice"

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