Where is orgy of violence leading to?

THE EDITOR: The discovery of the body of 24-year-old Gabrielle Raphael, mother of five, found semi-nude and strangled in the Queen's Park Savannah following a Jamrock concert there, has once again brought violent crime to the forefront of all national discussions.
In this regard, this comment on the matter comes from a TT national who is visiting Japan at this time:
“Reading all these horrible news clips from my base in Japan, where people are so polite, kind, quiet and helpful, makes me feel to cry. Horrible TT news clips. Such a waste of a country blessed with everything.”
Of course, when she says the word everything, we take it to mean everything good.
However, it is now pellucidly clear that lurking everywhere in TT are the forces of darkness and evil who care nothing for their victims and will readily inflict the most painful and torturous punishments on their victims, including strangulation, chopping, shooting and now setting on fire.
Where is this orgy of violence leading to?
It is widely felt that the engine room of this explosion in criminality comes from a large number of at-risk youth at the bottom of the economic ladder who have little or no legitimate income, assets or housing.
Added to this very combustible situation is the high level of institutionalised corruption and it’s twin cousin nepotism which have such a negative influence in making our protective services less effective in dealing with the current spiralling crime rate.
So, while many of us choose to ignore this elephant in the room called corruption, if we fail to address this monster in an effective and holistic manner, then we will continue to see our beloved country decline in all aspects of national well-being.
The only other option is to do like our Commissioner of Police and leave the solution up to the heavens, who unfortunately seem quite content with the status quo at this time.
"Where is orgy of violence leading to?"