A look at the short man complex

THE EDITOR: First off, a disclaimer – I mean no disrespect to anyone, so don't cuss meh if what I write falls in your garden. I am really trying to be of assistance to those implicated; besides, who am I to debate what nature made?

Have you ever heard of the short man syndrome? How about the Napoleon Complex? Let me shed some light.

This is when a man feels inadequate because of his short height and tries to overcompensate it with overly aggressive behaviour. These people may experience anxiety and thoughts of inadequacy. They feel they are not good enough and do not measure up to others.

This can very well lead to social anxiety, depression and even suicide.

This complex is very real and explains why vertically-challenged men are more hot tempered than their taller peers.

Short men compensate for their lack of height through domineering behaviour and aggression.

Shorter men are disadvantaged as their smaller build, in their mind, limits their effectiveness.

Taller height in men has been positively correlated with greater attraction in some studies. Some studies show that women prefer taller men.

Height is something a man has to offer and it is a determining aspect.

Napoleon Complex signs and symptoms include, but are not limited to:

* Feeling you are not good enough.

* Feeling you need to prove yourself.

* Being envious of others' success.

* Having difficulty maintaining relationships.

How does one address the short man complex? Seek professional help!

I know an excellent psychologist with worldwide experience, ask and I can pass on the contact info.

How tall am I, my short friends may ask. Listen, this is not about me eh. But since you asked, I am 6'2 in height, dark and handsome. Woman doh like short man!

The short man syndrome is when little men need big things to overcompensate for their inferiority complex.




"A look at the short man complex"

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