No water in March as yet from WASA

THE EDITOR: As I write this letter on March 13, it has been 15 days since there was water in the pipelines at Preysal. That's right, we have not had a single day's supply for March as yet.

WASA has put the area on a 15-day supply scheduled. When the water does come it's for 12 hours or less, and usually it is not enough to even fill the tanks.

Households have resorted to washing clothes at locations outside the area, eating bread and using Styrotex dishes. Piles of dirty laundry remain untouched. Plants wither away.

WASA is the most uncaring, callous state agency in the country. Repeated phone calls, complaints and pleas have only returned lies and more lies.

Who is the WASA manager responsible for the Preysal area? What sin did we commit that he has decided to punish the community with a drought of biblical proportions?

Sir, please have some humanity and give us a shred of basic human dignity so we can flush our toilets, wash our clothes and cook our food.

Is that too much to ask?


via e-mail


"No water in March as yet from WASA"

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