Soup kitchens a great idea

Digicel employees help Major Harry from the Salvation Army with the Annual Soup Feeding outreach.
Digicel employees help Major Harry from the Salvation Army with the Annual Soup Feeding outreach.

THE EDITOR: So wonderful to read about Soup Kitchen outlets staying open in a newspaper of January 16.

Even if covid19 cases continue to increase, this wonderful service for the less fortunate must continue to stay open, as these people do not have money to feed themselves.

I commend Lystra Jules, manager of the Relief Centre, also known as Soup Kitchen, who provides these daily meals of vegetarian soup, lentils and rice and roti dishes. And she says she is grateful to Port of Spain South MP Keith Scotland for his continuing support in providing food items like provisions.

I think this is a marvelous idea and may I suggest that each Member of Parliament do the same for the constituencies that elected them. Once a month they should have a "soup kitchen meeting" where they encourage families with no member working, or who have difficulty providing food for their families, to attend and get a free nourishing meal.

This will also allow MPs to meet with people in their constituencies and offer assistance or a job to a family member, hoping that one day soon they would again be able to provide for their family on their own.


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"Soup kitchens a great idea"

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