Independent senators, you can save Trinidad and Tobago

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THE EDITOR: Independent senators, please say no. No to Christine Kangaloo as president. Kangaloo did not appoint you, therefore there are no hard feelings.

Senators, this is not about the UNC. This is about the survival of TT. This is the final front of the battle for the nation’s soul.

If you have any moral and spiritual values as true independents, you know that this appointment is wrong. In fact, it is fatal for our democracy.

Become heroes, wipe a clean slate inclusive of the merit list saga. Show some reproductive fortitude and say no to this appointment. Surely don’t abstain.

As a concerned citizen and a hurting young man, TT does not belong to Keith Rowley and the PNM.

Independent Senators Paul Richards, Varma Deyalsingh, Deoroop Teemal, Amrita Deonarine, Anthony Vieira, Dr Maria Dillon-Remy et al, the fate of our nation rests in your hands. Say no!




"Independent senators, you can save Trinidad and Tobago"

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