Minority Leader Kelvon Morris: Our focus will be on the vulnerable
THA Minority Leader Kelvon Morris is hoping that all of Tobago would enjoy a successful 2023.
Speaking with Newsday on Wednesday, Morris said it is his wish that in the new year, Tobago will be a safe, secure and prosperous place, where the systems of governance will function in the best interest of all residents at all times.
He said in the new year, the Minority has some plans.
“Our focus will be using the various agencies of state to render support to those most vulnerable in the society. So we will be collaborating with YTEPP to provide training and skills development opportunities to young people who are unemployed and underemployed.”
He said they will also be seeking foster relationships with agencies such as the National Self-Help Commission to assist low-income home earners access much need home repair to their homes and other social support.
“We are painfully aware how difficult it is for a lot of families on the island at this time.”
On a political level, he called on the THA executive council to focus.
“As much as I believe the PDP defectors need to go back to the Tobago and seek a fresh mandate, I truly just want to see them settle down and govern in the best interest of the people, especially the small man on the ground who depends on the government the most. I would like to see a clear strategic plan rolled out for Tobago's Development that reflects the will, dreams and aspirations of every Tobagonian from Charlotteville to Crown Point.”
He added: “I have publicly stated that the Secretary of Agriculture heart seems to be in the right place with respect to food production and security, however, there needs to be greater involvement of the stakeholders and greater incentives to assist our Tobago-based farmers.”
With regards the island’s tourism, he said there is need to develop a comprehensive Tourism growth strategy based on expanding our product offerings, strengthening of airline connectivity, synergistic marketing efforts, as well as improving our on-island customer service.
“Unfortunately, the Tobago Tourism Agency seems to have lost focused and direction with the resignation of both its CEO and Director of Product Development and therefore these positions need to be filled post-haste if we are to capitalise on the foundation laid by the previous administration.”
Also, he would like to see greater support given to the indigenous Tobago-based private sector both financially and technically.
“To assist them in rebounding from the challenges of the pandemic. For us to truly be beyond ordinary and the greatest little island on the planet, it means that THA has to build and support Tobago businesses, including using the best of what Tobago has to offer to build Tobago.”
"Minority Leader Kelvon Morris: Our focus will be on the vulnerable"