Craig-Rousseau re-elected to FIH executive

Maureen Craig-Rousseau
Maureen Craig-Rousseau

FORMER TT Hockey Board (TTHB) president Maureen Craig-Rousseau was re-elected to the International Hockey Federation (FIH) executive board at the 48th FIH Congress, which was held virtually on November 4 and 5.

Amedia release from the TTHB said Craig-Rousseau was one of three female candidates battling for two executive positions (female) on the FIH executive. She received 88 out of the 126 eligible votes, ahead of her contenders Elizabeth King of Ghana (68 votes) and Marion Rodewald (64 votes) of Germany.

Craig-Rousseau was first elected to the FIH executive board in 2014, at the 44th FIH Congress, in Marrakesh, Morocco. Her new term of office will end in 2026.

Another TT hockey official, Willard Harris, was one of seven recipients of the FIH President Award for his long and meritorious service to the global hockey community as an educator and technical official, He is currently chair of the FIH Competitions Committee.


"Craig-Rousseau re-elected to FIH executive"

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