What if it was you, Partap?

Harry Partap. Photo by Yvonne Webb
Harry Partap. Photo by Yvonne Webb

THE EDITOR: As I read the letter in the Newsday headed “A vote against decent, law-abiding citizens” I could not help asking myself, “Who is so ignorant to pen this?”

Then at the end of the letter I saw “Harry Partap, former UNC MP” and my question was answered. Clearly destined to be former a lot of things and not current anything.

Point 1: “I listened to the debate and could not reconcile in my mind how our lawmakers can put the rights of criminals above those of law-abiding citizens.”

They are the same rights. Go and do some reading on basic rights.

Point 2: “The six UNC and five Independent senators argued to protect the constitutional and human rights of criminals.”

No one is a criminal unless they are tried and convicted in a duly appointed, recognised court of law. Simply charging someone does not make them a criminal. In fact, if you look at the statistics you would realise that 999 times out of 1,000, the police do not have a case robust enough to pass through the court and gain a conviction.

Point 3: “They were concerned about conditions at Remand Yard and were sorry for criminals who will be locked away for four months pending bail.”

And rightly so!

Point 4: “It is a serious breach of the constitutional and human rights of decent citizens to live in peace.”

It is also a serious breach of the constitutional and human rights of any person to be found guilty before trial and testing of the evidence, and locked up without due process.

I bet Partap’s opinion would change if it was him being locked up. You would see how quickly he would be bleating for bail.


Birmingham, England


"What if it was you, Partap?"

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