Petit Valley/Diego Martin Utd host seminar for junior footballers

THE management of the Petit Valley/Diego Martin (PVDM) Utd Football Club hosted a one-day seminar entitled Bridging the Gap: From Adolescence to Adulthood for the players attached to the team ages 16-21. The seminar was held, on Saturday.
The seminar came on the heels of the team’s notable performance at the recently completed Tiger Tanks Football tournament, where they received accolades for the most disciplined team.
A media release by the club, said, “PVDM Utd FC is a non-profit organisation constructed on the basis of integrity, education, sports, health and welfare for the enrichment of the youth in the community. In accordance with its core values, the football club continues to look for ways to keep young people off the streets and empower them to become self-sufficient in an evolving world.”
At the seminar, participants were enlightened on topics such as interview skills: Preparing for the world of work, health and wellness, financial management, effective communication skills, and fraud awareness and choices.
Thought leaders in those respective fields shared their knowledge and insights with the young men, with the objective that the exercise would assist them in their further development.
Pamela Williams of Pamela Williams and Associates, psychologist Denise Jittan-Johnson, Ryan Ottley of the TT Defence Force, Derrick Sharbodie of the TT Police Service, Aaron Persad of RBC, Terrel Duncan of RBC and Jaron Nurse, who provided entertainment during the proceedings, all contributed. Ross Russell Jnr of local football club Terminix La Horquetta Rangers gave a special testimonial on his journey which was well-received by all participants.
“The management of the PVDM Utd FC wishes to sincerely thank RBC Royal Bank for its support in assisting to roll out this seminar and to thank all facilitators for giving of their time to support the youth of TT.”
"Petit Valley/Diego Martin Utd host seminar for junior footballers"