Kamla loses to herself...again

Kamla Persad-Bissessar - Photo by Jeff K Mayers
Kamla Persad-Bissessar - Photo by Jeff K Mayers

THE EDITOR: Another internal election of the UNC is done and dusted and Kamla Persad-Bissessar, with virtually no opposition, declares herself the victor.

It seems that once more, the Opposition Leader has fought against herself and lost!

Nearly 16 hours after the polls closed, at the time of the writing of this letter, the party’s election commission still cannot release official figures.

One wonders whether in an age of the internet, if the officials are awaiting monkey mail or expecting the water from flooded areas to subside in order that the returns be handed in.

People can easily speculate that the alleged 13,000 votes cast in the election on Sunday may not be the real figure, as preliminary reports are that from 5 pm that day, the votes were in the region of about 7,000.

Accepting that 13,000 people actually came out and voted, one is left to extrapolate that a mere ten per cent of the party's membership showed any faith in Persad-Bissessar.

People may already be asking if the rapidly fading UNC can attract close to the 400,000 votes needed to win a national general election.

The writing is on the wall, in my opinion, and the UNC train has now been derailed as the engine has left all the carriages behind.


San Fernando


"Kamla loses to herself…again"

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