Duke returns to court on 2016 rape charge

PDP political leader Watson Duke. File photo/Angelo Marcelle
PDP political leader Watson Duke. File photo/Angelo Marcelle

TOBAGO House of Assembly deputy chief secretary Watson Duke returned to court on Tuesday on a 2016 rape charge and charges of indecent assault.

Duke is before Magistrate Marisa Gomez in relation to charges that he allegedly committed acts of serious indecency against the woman on four occasions between January and April 2016, at the headquarters of the Public Service Association (PSA) in Port of Spain, and having sexual intercourse with the woman against her will on May 10, 2016, at the Hyatt Regency Hotel in Port of Spain.

The alleged victim, according to the charges, was an employee of the union.

Duke is the former PSA president.

Currently on the witness stand is the alleged victim who is being cross-examined by Duke’s attorneys, Gilbert Peterson, SC, and attorney John Heath.

The prosecution is expected to call one last witness at the inquiry before it closes its case on August 2.

Duke is on $250,000 bail on the sexual offences charges. He is the political leader of the Progressive Democratic Patriots (PDP) and the member for Roxborough/Argyle at the assembly.

When he first appeared in court in 2016, Duke told the media he was “innocent” and claimed he was “set up.”


"Duke returns to court on 2016 rape charge"

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