Denzel Washington for top cop

THE EDITOR: The recent robbery at Republic Bank's Couva branch is quite reminiscent of an action flick from 2006, called Inside Man starring Clive Owen and Denzel Washington. Our Acting Commissioner of Police McDonald Jacob is clearly no Denzel Washington.

I almost choked when CoP Jacob indicated that officers from the Couva Police Station mistook the break-in at the bank for construction work.

If any citizen hears their neighbours quarrelling, we look to see who is getting lash. For that matter, any screeching of brakes and it's because we want to know which dog got killed or who crashed.

However long it takes to drill through two feet of concrete in the middle of the night, not one officer enquired or noticed?

Clearly those officers who claimed they thought the intruders were construction workers, cannot lie then just stay quiet!

And the Acting police commissioner accepted this excuse? There is no way this gentleman came sixth on the merit list. This isn’t personal, he does seem to be a very decent bloke, but this rank and the responsibilities that comes with it, just isn’t for him.

I nominate Denzel Washington for TT's Commissioner of Police.




"Denzel Washington for top cop"

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