Moderate response to covid19 paediatric, second booster shots

The North Central Regional Health Authority (NCRHA) has recorded small but steady numbers of people bringing their children for paediatric covid19 vaccines or getting second booster shots.
Chief executive officer Davlin Thomas told Newsday on Thursday in a phone interview that the NCRHA had recorded 70 children brought for vaccination on Wednesday and was awaiting Thursday's numbers.
As for second booster shots, Thomas did not have the records at the time.
He added the processes that were in place for adults are the same for children; each health centre under the north, east, central and south RHAs will be open from 8am-3pm, with no appointment required.
Health centres run by the Tobago Regional Health Authority are open from 8am-4pm.
On Monday, a shipment of 43,200 paediatric vaccines donated by Spain for children ages five-11 arrived in Trinidad and was sent to the various RHAs for distribution.
Thomas added he is encouraging people to take advantage of this opportunity because, "It is the first defence against the very interesting days ahead."
Newsday tried to contact the Ministry of Health's senior corporate communications officer Al Alexander but was unsuccessful.
"Moderate response to covid19 paediatric, second booster shots"