Time to go smart

THE EDITOR: Confession is very good for the soul. My grandad is a Maharaj.

I toted white pigtail buckets of water up my front steps until I started to consume pigtail. Where I live always has a water problem.

Previously the whipping boy was Caroni. But Caroni is no more.

Receiving potable water is always a concern. I pay my water bills before time. I can account from 1963 to now. There has been little or no improvement.

The water authority needs to change its inlet line to the village where I live. Over a long period of time the internal diameters of the metal pipes that feed the area have decreased due to iron deposits.

The population has grown. Where there were once cane fields, there are now new homes. This is not hidden data; the water company is fully aware of these factors.

I am suggesting smart water meters be installed in all homes. We will pay for what we receive.

The electricity company is not doing too badly with smart meters.

A smart water meter has the following advantages: Helps in conserving water, users save more money, detects leaks from water lines, prevents scams and tampering, provides more accurate readings, improves customer service.

Let us pay for the water we receive, no cat in bag.

The problem is not generation but distribution. Too many leaking pipes. The lines need changing now. This year it is going to be a very long hot summer. Water is life.


Princes Town


"Time to go smart"

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