Montano Foundation delivers on 21-year promise

Elizabeth Montano holding Machel Jah-Marley Baptiste with Winston Montano. -
Elizabeth Montano holding Machel Jah-Marley Baptiste with Winston Montano. -

The Machel Montano Foundation together with Xtatik Ltd presented $21,000 to Machel Jah-Marley Baptiste to assist him with his studies.

Baptiste, who recently celebrated his 21st birthday, was introduced to Montano a little over 21 years ago. His pregnant mother, Beverley Baptiste, was among patrons who were injured at Montano’s Real Unity concert in Chaguaramas in 2000 when a section of the VIP stand filled with dancing patrons collapsed. However, Baptiste’s birth was not affected by his mother’s injury, a media release said.

The release said the Montanos and the Baptiste family always maintained a relationship and the two families have been in frequent contact from Baptiste’s birth to now. A Unit Trust account was set up 21 years ago to support Baptiste’s tertiary education. He also received a start-up investment account of $2,100, the release said.

The presentation was the delivery a promise by the Montanos which was made at Baptiste’s birth, the release said. A decision was made to give him the gift on his 21st birthday so he would be able to account and access how the money would be expended, the release said.

It was an emotional moment for Baptiste when he received a video message from Montano expressing birthday greetings and well wishes. Montano also encouraged Baptiste to further his studies, pointing out, “education is key in anything” and urged him to “invest in your education and in making yourself a solid young man for the future,” the release said.

Drawing reference to his own personal circumstances, saying he studied sound engineering to learn how to make music, Montano advised Baptiste to develop a skill and do something he wants to do.

The Machel Montano Foundation said it was quite happy to learn shortly after the presentation that Baptiste had already started researching courses that were of interest to him, as he said he would like to get started right away on his new journey.

“He has shown great interest in IT, so we look forward to seeing more from him in this department in the near future. We intend to continue communication and remain updated on his new endeavours,” the release said.

The foundation continues to support the development of youth Trinidad and Tobago and to encourage them to strive to make a difference in society, the release said.


"Montano Foundation delivers on 21-year promise"

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