Supermarket Association calls for automated Government assistance

Rajiv Diptee - ROGER JACOB
Rajiv Diptee - ROGER JACOB

THE Supermarket Association (SATT) is calling for automated public assistance after the Ministry of Social Development said they will not be honouring social assistant cheques in February and March.

The decision by the ministry came after 1,836 cheques were stolen during a break-in at the Sangre Grande post office on Monday morning. In an effort to ensure the thieves don’t benefit, the ministry warned that they will not honour the cheques and will have to re-issue new ones.

In a media release on Wednesday, SATT said while they understand the decision, they are concerned about the impact on their customers who are beneficiaries of those grants.

“While the pandemic has certainly made life more challenging not least in the navigation of economic activity, we see opportunities presented for digital means to present to the affected persons to transition to the digital forums as we acknowledge that many of the affected are also unbanked by their choice and also by the frustration that accompanies the opening of such means.”

SATT called on the Bankers Association of Trinidad and Tobago (BATT) to “craft solutions that are customer centric, people focused” as well as orient those who are to switch from cheques to a digital platform.

“Conversely this decision to not honour cheques at supermarkets will also present challenges to those for whom this relief is intended. It must be established that where this decision has been taken, it has affected a vulnerable population at a peculiar period during the pandemic where challenges already exist at the level of banking both at the individual and sectoral level.”

In their media release on Monday, the ministry encouraged those accessing assistance via cheques to move to a digital platform.

“The ministry also takes this opportunity to remind grant recipients of its direct deposit system. It is an automated clearing house transaction that is a safe, reliable, proven, confidential method of receiving a payment.”


"Supermarket Association calls for automated Government assistance"

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