Kool-Aid for the unionists

Ancel Roget. File photo/Lincoln Holder
Ancel Roget. File photo/Lincoln Holder

THE EDITOR: The AG made an error in his December 23 media conference on vaccination in asking that trade union leaders return to common sense. On the vaccine issue, it is not possible for the JTUM leader to return to where he's never been.

Ancel Roget's apparently prideful and wilful ignorance asks for proof that vaccinated people can neither contract nor spread covid19.

Every health group representative has stated that vaccines increase immune response so that viral attacks are mostly milder with fewer hospitalisations and deaths.

The goal is to ease the necessity for hospitalisation and the burden on medical personnel and resources.

It is lamentable that many will drink Roget's Kool-Aid.

And, he is vaccinated against covid19.




"Kool-Aid for the unionists"

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