Don’t take frontline workers for granted

THE EDITOR: A frontline worker in one of our health facilities shared their daily experiences and I was left in amazement. Being in the thick of things and dealing with covid19 patients daily is no easy task. The virus is so contagious that even with all the gear they wear, one slip can be one too many. These people are putting their lives and family members at risk.

Recently I saw a video of the inside of one of our covid19 facilities and believe me it looked very gruesome. Can you imagine having to work there day in and day out? I must say “much respect” for these heroes who daily put their lives on the line for their country.

With the passing of time we can forget them and just like many other things in life they can be taken for granted. Please, however, let's guard against going down this path. It is important that we lift them up in prayer for God's protection and guidance as they perform their onerous duties.

To those in charge, be aware that when people are putting their lives at risk they may need some type of motivation. Look at ways you can provide the needed support. Remember, they are not functioning in normal conditions, this is a pandemic and the task is greater – and deadly. The best of soldiers can get weary so keep this in mind.

I thank all or frontline healthcare workers for their invaluable contribution to TT. You have saved many lives while putting yours at risk. I appreciate you – as do the thousands of people all around the country. Please, do not quit, we need you now more than ever. God’s blessing always.


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"Don’t take frontline workers for granted"

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