Trailer parkfor food salesin Cascade?

THE EDITOR: The residence at the corner of Second Avenue and Cascade Main Road in the Cascade Valley was demolished earlier this year.

No problem, these are relatively large house lots and blocks of apartments have been built where other old homes have been demolished.

However nothing is being built there apparently. The site has been spread with an oily slurry which begs several questions. "Talk is" (but apparently no confirmation nor denial is forthcoming) that this is a sort of trailer park for outdoor food cooking and sales.

If this is so, the landowner will require a change of use for the site. Apparently a vehicle entrance from Cascade Road and an exit on to Second Avenue and then to Cascade Road is planned.

This is unacceptable to the residents of Second Avenue and Mt Anne Drive. The proposed exit is mere metres from Cascade Road.

In addition to traffic issues, the location will fill nearby residences (eight apartment units immediately adjacent) with the odours of cooking, hungry vagrants will hang out on the corner, and rats and other animals will be attracted.

If a multiple food outlet is established there, will there be running water for vendors' and customers' hygiene?

If we had a Member of Parliament for our area we could approach them. But we are not served in any way by the person who poses as our representative.




"Trailer parkfor food salesin Cascade?"

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