Integrity Commission: Organisational changes made to improve operations

THE Integrity Commission, in a statement Monday, said it continues to do what it can to improve the efficiency of its operations.

In doing so, the commission said, it has taken on board, concerns expressed by many people, including the Prime Minister, when he was opposition leader.

"No greater weight has been given to those views, than to those expressed by other concerned citizens over the years."

After an examination of its organisational processes and culture, especially where performance-based production is concerned, the commission said it spent the greater part of this year "trying to transform the organisation so as to ensure fulfilment of its statutory mandate."

Despite reduced financial resources, the commission successfully filed ex-parte proceedings in 2021 with respect to over 500 outstanding declarations of assets and interests from 2014 from people in public life, in respect of full complete compliance with the Integrity in Public Life Act.

Limited financial resources in 2017 resulted in the staff at the commission's compliance unit being reduced by 70 per cent. Since then, the commission said the staff in this unit has been increased. The commission's investigative unit has been restructured "with the introduction of a mixture of young professionals and experienced investigators."

Some of the organisational changes were not accepted by some staffers and six people who were on short-term contracts, left the commission on their own free will. The commission said the contract of one short-term employee was not renewed owing to organisational changes.

In one case, a member of the public service who was recently assigned to the commission, had to be re-assigned elsewhere in the public service.

"This was due solely to the organisational changes which the commission has made. The commission also said it initiated disciplinary proceedings against another member of the public service.

While change is necessary and not always easy, the commission accepted the rights of people within its ranks who are uncomfortable with change and who take action "which does not involve adjusting to the unfamiliarity of a changed environment."

The changes implemented at the commission were done, with the views of the Head of the Public Service, Chief Personnel Officer and Solicitor General being factored in. The commission believed that all of its actions were consistent with the advice which it received from all three office holders.

The commission stood behind the decisions made by its members as they continue to discharge their duties in accordance with the provisions of the Integrity in Public Life Act.


"Integrity Commission: Organisational changes made to improve operations"

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