Kamla questions Rowley’s trip to Glasgow: ‘Climate change conference or vacation?’

Opposition Leader Kamla Persad-Bissessar. Photo by Sureash Cholai
Opposition Leader Kamla Persad-Bissessar. Photo by Sureash Cholai

SAYING the Prime Minister has ignored major issues caused by climate change in the country, Opposition Leader Kamla Persad-Bissessar has raised eyebrows at his attendance to the COP26 World Leaders Summit of the 26th United Nations Climate Change Conference at the SEC, Glasgow.

During the United National Congress virtual report forum on Monday, Persad-Bissessar wondered if Dr Rowley, an avid golfer, jetting off to Scotland had more to do with the over 50 golf courses in that country than the conference.

“I for one would be very interested to hear what he has to contribute at the conference on climate change,” she said.

Rowley addressed the conference on Tuesday.

“While the other respected world leaders will be discussing this important global issue of climate change and trying to find a solution, what exactly would Prime Minister Rowley contribute to the conversation?

“Is he going to tell them that he dismantled the environment ministry I established? That he doesn't have a minister of the environment or ministry looking after this most important issue worldwide?

“Is he going to tell them about our unprecedented levels of flooding that he and his government keep turning a blind eye to?

“Is he going to boast to world leaders about giving LED bulbs to citizens as the extent of his plan?

“Is he going to mention that they have no plan whatsoever to deal with any of the major issues facing our country including climate change?”

Telling her supporters Rowley does not care about climate change or the conference, but if he did, “he would have gone to Glasgow armed with a clear position on climate change mitigation strategies over and above that of Caricom.

“Rowley and his team are there to play golf, eat dinners, live the good life, and collect tax-free US-denominated per diems, and possibly some shopping for new bespoke suits.

“They are not going to do anything about the environment. I would go so far as to say they are there on vacation.”

Rowley is accompanied by Energy Minister Stuart Young, Minister of Foreign and Caricom Affairs Dr Amery Browne, and Planning Minister Camille Robinson-Regis.

Persad-Bissessar said while “they are living the good life,” at home ordinary people cannot get foreign exchange to pay for their children’s education, keep their businesses afloat or to make purchases.

“I can’t remember a worse time in our country than now.”

She chastised Rowley for a recent accident in Tobago where a woman was hit by his golf cart. Persad-Bissessar claimed the PM showed no concern for the woman.

“The Rowley PNM do not love you. They do not take care of you. If you are a supporter or not a supporter, it is the same suffering and oppression from this wicked Rowley regime.

“However, this goes beyond his personality. Because of his failed leadership, we all are facing rising crime, high food prices, a leaderless police service, no Police Service Commission (PSC), a surge in covid19 cases and hospitalisations.”

She said people are clamouring for relief, even in the middle of a state of emergency, but alleged that Rowley’s only concern is taking care of his friends, family and financiers, and golfing.

“If your roads are crumbling, your house falling due to landslips, the bridges falling down – would-be dictator Rowley is not bothered.

“As far as he is concerned, it is not his problem. Can’t put food on your table? Rowley doesn’t care. It is not his problem.”


"Kamla questions Rowley’s trip to Glasgow: ‘Climate change conference or vacation?’"

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