Firearms, licences and public safety

THE EDITOR: Like a recurring decimal, I must once again ask whether the issue to be resolved with the firearms debate has been appropriately identified.

Unfortunately, TT has moved tangentially to a focus on the grant of firearm user’s licences rather than the original issue of public safety.

Even a cursory examination of societies shows that public safety is best assured when there is appropriate respect for law and order.

There is abundant compelling evidence that this is more likely to be achieved in societies that subscribe to and respect constitutions and laws developed and implemented in both principle and practice for and on behalf of the people.

Firearms in themselves will not provide personal safety. The equitable administration of this principle has a better chance of success.

For this reason I am against the issue of firearms to non-uniformed services. I am also convinced that should greater effort be placed on this principle as already enunciated, particularly with respect to identifying and filling gaps within our existing national public security system, we can eliminate the need for citizenry to seek a firearm user’s licence.

Firearms by their very nature are destructive. Sporting and recreational use are adequately achievable in controlled environments when rules and regulations can be universally supervised.

Accordingly, may I suggest an urgent review of this burning issue that now appears to have degenerated rapidly into a national scandal.


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"Firearms, licences and public safety"

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