An act of cowardice

Opposition Leader Kamla Persad-Bissessar - SUREASH CHOLAI
Opposition Leader Kamla Persad-Bissessar - SUREASH CHOLAI

THE EDITOR: Once more the UNC has left its remaining handful of supporters confused, bewildered and befuddled.

After the frenetic build-up to oppose the extension of the state of emergency as expounded by the Leader of the Opposition at her Monday Night Forum, the UNC representatives flattered to deceive.

Social media posts asked the population to honk their car horns and put on their headlights as a sign of non-support for any extension. Supporters were instructed to snake around the Parliament and to create a commotion as their sign of disgust over the Government’s proposed extension.

Sadly, the misguided found out that their party had indeed misguided them once again. Supporters were all hyped that at long last their leader will lead her troops into battle and make a cogent argument to support her stance.

Inside the hallowed halls of Parliament, the Opposition Leader took her customary sign-of-life photo as those gathered outside experienced a slow death by the actions of their representatives.

After the sound and fury of the debate the opposition voted “no” to any extension of the state of emergency. Inexplicably, its members called for a division and then abstained.

An abstention can be used when a member is not aware of all the facts, when there is a conflict of interest or when it is an act of sheer cowardice.

Listening to the debate from both sides, one gets the impression that all the facts were well articulated so it cannot be that the opposition members alone were not properly informed. What conflict of interest did the members harbour which caused them to abstain?

The innocent bystander could not be faulted for believing that the act of cowardice was as a result of weak and poor leadership in a party that is so insecure that it does not know if it is sitting or standing.

Members should now question the credentials of a leader who leads them into battle and then instructs her soldiers to abstain from shooting at the heavy artillery from the other side.

This is a sign of hoisting a white flag as an act of surrender. What a shame and disgrace.


San Fernando


"An act of cowardice"

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