Cops disperse trade unions, citizens for SoE extension protest

Activist Umar Abdullah was cautioned by police to leave the entrance of the Red House, Abercromby Street, Port of Spain, as the House of Representatives debated an extension to the state of emergency in TT on Wednesday. - Jeff Mayers
Activist Umar Abdullah was cautioned by police to leave the entrance of the Red House, Abercromby Street, Port of Spain, as the House of Representatives debated an extension to the state of emergency in TT on Wednesday. - Jeff Mayers

Trade unions, social activists and concerned citizens were able to gather outside the Red House on Abercromby Street, Port of Spain, for about an hour on Wednesday afternoon before they were dispersed by police for breaching the public health regulations.

Marijuana activist Nazma Muller, centre, gesticulates toward the sky as she takes part in protests outside the Red House on Abercromby Street, Port of Spain, Wednesday. - Jeff Mayers

The protest which was staged to oppose a proposal to extend the state of emergency (SoE) was attended by members of the Oilfield Workers Trade Union (OWTU), the TT Registered Nurses Association, the National Trade Union Centre (NATUC), the First Wave Movement and private citizens.

The demonstration was scheduled to begin at 1.30 pm, but protestors began gathering at around 1 pm outside Woodford Square, shouting slogans at government MPs as they arrived for the sitting of the Lower House.

During the protest, police warned participants and reporters not to gather in large numbers as more people joined the protest.

Speaking with Newsday, OWTU general president Ancel Roget described the government's proposal to extend the SoE as a "bullying tactic" to stamp out dissent and freedom of expression.

"We think it's bullying on the part of the government to go for another three months' extension on the state of emergency.

OWTU leader Ancel Roget speaks to police outside the Red House on Abercromby Street as the House of Representatives debated a motion to extend the current state of emergency inside. - Photo by Jeff Mayers

"During a state of emergency your civil rights and liberties are taken away, a prime example is here this afternoon we can't even have a placard against what the government is doing.

"That is the kind of restrictions the government wants to impose on the people and this is why they are going for a state of emergency. We have a budget here and we won't be able to protest the anti-union, anti-people budget."

Speaking with reporters secretary general of NATUC Michael Annisette questioned the effectiveness of the SoE in limiting the number of covid19 infections and accused the government of trying to infringe citizens' rights.

NATUC leader Michael Annisette speaks to media outside the Red House on Abercroby Street as the House of Representatives debated a motion to extend the current state of emergency inside. - Photo by Jeff Mayers

"We had a state of emergency for three months what impact did it have on the pandemic situation? Did it assist in any form or fashion, our analysis proved that it did not improve anything.

"If those are the facts what is the need for the extension for a state of emergency then what is the need for an extension of something that takes away fundamental human rights?"

Police at the scene said placards were not allowed to be displayed as they were signs of a protest which were not permitted while the SoE was in effect.

He said no permission was given for the demonstration to be held.

While the demonstration continued, several drivers blew their horns to show solidarity with the protestors, but they too were cautioned by police.

One driver who blew his horn was issued a ticket for using his phone while driving which led to a heated argument with police before activists and senior officers defused the situation.

By 2 pm, police dispersed the protestors noting they were growing in number and were not practising physical distancing.

However, some protestors moved to Knox Street while leader of the First Wave Movement Umar Abdullah continued their demonstration around Woodford Square.


"Cops disperse trade unions, citizens for SoE extension protest"

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