CoP: Covid Task Force cops are not impostors

Two plain-clothes police officers stand outside a gate. 
The officers are members of the police Covid19 Task Force which is mandated to check in on people who tested positive for the coronavirus and ensure they adhered to their home quarantine. 

Two plain-clothes police officers stand outside a gate. The officers are members of the police Covid19 Task Force which is mandated to check in on people who tested positive for the coronavirus and ensure they adhered to their home quarantine. PHOTO COURTESY TTPS

Police Commissioner Gary Griffith has responded to posts on social media suggesting two plainclothes police officers were impostors.

He confirmed the men are legitimate officers and reminded the public that members of the police Covid19 Task Force were required to visit the homes of people who test positive for the virus.

In a media release on Thursday, Griffith confirmed the men in the photo were real police officers working as members of the task force, which is required to establish communication between County Medical Officers of Health and covid19-positive people.

Griffith said the task force was formed last year to help the Ministry of Health ensure quarantined people remained at home in response to reports were made that covid19-positive people had been seen in public.

The police visits, he said, were co-ordinated by ACP Wendell Williams.

He reminded the public that they were within their rights to ask to see an officer's ID and badge if they were unsure.

Griffith also said the visits were not intrusive, as these officers do not enter a person's property, but instead speak with them from a safe distance.


"CoP: Covid Task Force cops are not impostors"

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