Indarsingh: Latest restrictions a whip across workers, families

Couva South MP Rudranath Indarsingh.
Couva South MP Rudranath Indarsingh.

Couva South MP Rudranath Indarsingh has referred to the latest covid19 public health restrictions as a whip on the backs of workers, breadwinners, families and small businesses – who do not deserve such punishment.

These people, the opposition MP said, are constantly being punished for what he referred to as the Prime Minister's "astoundingly weak leadership" throughout the covid19 pandemic.

"What is even worse is that the measures imposed upon us by the Prime Minister last week Thursday have brought us no safety of guarantee," a release from Indarsingh stated on the weekend.

"These measures were in place before, and they failed to prevent spikes and the spread of infections from taking place."

Indarsingh claimed that he had been inundated daily by people calling him "in confidence," desperate for hope and help, as their family savings dwindle. People are desperate for jobs, he said.

Dr Rowley on Thursday announced stricter measures including the closure of all malls and places of worship, to curb the spread of covid19 after recent spikes in the hundreds of cases daily.

Indarsingh accused Rowley of abandoning the interests of families, students, workers, small business owners and the section of the society that keeps the economy running.

The former president of the All Trinidad Sugar and General Workers trade union said that on behalf of the Opposition UNC, he is calling on the Prime Minister and Government to "boost the acquisition" of vaccines at a faster pace for the country.

"We are also calling upon the Minister of Labour to ensure that the Occupational Health and Safety Agency is mandated and resourced to ensure the adherence of the safety standards in both the public and private sector workspaces," Indarsingh said.

Other measures announced by Government last week was a reduction in the public sector workforce by 50 per cent on a rotation basis, all bars, clubs, casinos, cinemas and the like to be closed, all beaches closed, gatherings for any public entertainment is banned and attendance at funerals and weddings limited to only ten people.


"Indarsingh: Latest restrictions a whip across workers, families"

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