Republic Bank donates Isopod to NCRHA

Republic Bank’s executive director Derwin Howell, left, chats with Dr Joanne Paul, Medical Chief of Staff, EWMSC, and local manufacturer of the Isopods, Nicholas Laing.  - Courtesy Ministry of Health
Republic Bank’s executive director Derwin Howell, left, chats with Dr Joanne Paul, Medical Chief of Staff, EWMSC, and local manufacturer of the Isopods, Nicholas Laing. - Courtesy Ministry of Health

Republic Bank has donated an individual patient isolation system known as an Isopod to the Eric Williams Medical Sciences Complex (EWMSC) as part of its continuing support in the fight against covid19. The bank’s executive director handed over the equipment to NCRHA CEO Davlin Thomas on Wednesday last week.

In a release, Republic Bank said the Isopod helps transport patients who have an infectious disease. This one was designed and manufactured locally by Nicholas Laing, with the support and input from more than 30 doctors from all regional health authorities.

Laing said one of the most important components of building this life-saving equipment was “to build it using locally-sourced materials, especially with the supply-chain complications we have had as a result of covid19.”

Republic Bank’s executive director Derwin Howell, left, officially hands over the Isopods to Davlin Thomas, CEO of NCRHA, with the support of Nicolas Laing the local manufacturer. - Courtesy Ministry of Health

EWMSC medical chief of staff Dr Joanne Paul said the most exciting thing about the Isopod, for her, is that it goes beyond covid19 patients.

“This can be utilised for cancer patients and even burn victims since the doctor or nurse can choose whether they want positive or negative pressure. After much deliberation, we chose to use materials that can protect against particles that are even smaller than covid19 particles so as to protect the thousands of frontline staff that risk their lives every day.”

The bank’s executive director, Derwin Howell, said he regards the contributions as not only a health benefit but an opportunity to foster local economic activity.

Individual patient isolation system (Isopod) created by Nicholas Laing and donated to the NCRHA by Republic Bank. - Courtesy Ministry of Health

“I am glad that through this donation, no foreign exchange left the country by buying things on Amazon, but rather we created local economic activity by building these Isopods here. Moreover, I am very optimistic in the ability to export this item up the islands to assist our regional brothers and sisters.”

The release said the bank’s Power to Make A Difference programme is continuously exploring ways in which to collaborate with local governmental agencies to offer assistance during the pandemic.


"Republic Bank donates Isopod to NCRHA"

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