3 bar owners among 35 charged for breaching covid19 laws

A masked pedestrian walks past police officers outside the Red House. - Vidya Thurab
A masked pedestrian walks past police officers outside the Red House. - Vidya Thurab

Two days after the police were directed to ramp up their enforcement of covid19 protocols, a total of 35 people have been charged with breaching the public health regulations, all from Central Trinidad.

In a media release on Saturday, police said among the 35 were three bar operators who were charged for breaching Section 3(1) of the regulations, for gathering in a group exceeding five people.

The bar owners were charged for "operating a business and selling alcohol after 10 pm without the permission of the Minister of Health."

Additionally, the release stated that 121 tickets were issued to people who failed to wear masks.

The number included 51 issued in Central Division and 30 in Eastern Division. Police said the public has been co-operating and have been reporting large crowds gathered in breach of the regulations.


"3 bar owners among 35 charged for breaching covid19 laws"

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