Olivierre: Franklin Khan did an excellent job

FORMER Energy Minister Nicole Olivierre  - Vidya Thurab
FORMER Energy Minister Nicole Olivierre - Vidya Thurab

FORMER Energy Minister Nicole Olivierre said late Energy Minister Franklin Khan did an "excellent job and has done well in steering the sector during very difficult times."

Khan, who had a history of heart-related conditions, died on Saturday.

Olivierre also previously served as parliamentary secretary in the ministry and as MP for La Brea.

She was appointed as minister in 2015, but was replaced by Khan after a 2016 Cabinet reshuffle.

She said the news shocked everyone and praised him for working hard despite his health challenges.

"He continued coming to work every day even though we are in a pandemic, even with his health challenges and knowing he would be at greater risk (of being hospitalised if he got covid19).

"He was very diligent and even up to Friday, he would have held meetings at the ministry."

She sent condolences to his family and said the PNM has lost a "great, dedicated member.

"And I lost someone I would have spent the last three years working closely with.

"The replacement have some very big shoes to fill but it would take some time for us to recover."


"Olivierre: Franklin Khan did an excellent job"

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