No water for Claxton Bay residents since December

Residents of Rosehill Street, Claxton Bay on Saturday appeal for pipe-bourne water which they say they have not had for months.  - Photo by Angelo Marcelle
Residents of Rosehill Street, Claxton Bay on Saturday appeal for pipe-bourne water which they say they have not had for months. - Photo by Angelo Marcelle

A small group of residents from Rosehill Street, Claxton Bay are begging the Water and Sewerage Authority (WASA) for a supply of water, at least once a week.

They held a protest on Saturday morning to highlight their water woes in which they claimed has been ongoing for years with longest dry spell exceeding four months.

Agnes Joseph Small, 57, said they have been without water since December and the cost to purchase truck borne water was killing their finances.

She explained there was an unusual situation at in the community as certain areas received water while others do not, even though all the residents have legal water connections from WASA.

Small said, “We got water in December and since then some people have not received any. People lower down the hill would get but those who live in the upper parts do not get any.

“We have to find at least $1,000 extra every month to buy water and still pay our WASA bills. Do you think this is fair? We are paying for a utility and still have to source water for ourselves and incur an additional cost. That is not right.”

She said after having to endure a salary cut because of her employer downsized because of the covid19 pandemic, she had to resort to begging the neighbours who have water to fill her tanks.

“Sometimes we go to the standpipe in the cemetery to fill our buckets, barrels and tanks. Or even go to Flowerpot beach to take a bath.

“In this covid19 time this is not working out for us. My workdays have been cut, which means my salary is less. I hope they give us a rebate or amnesty or something for this waste of money and service” she said.

Another resident, Oswald Best, 71, said they tried to contact their local government councillor Gangaram Gopaul and Pointe-a-Pierre MP David Lee but claimed their offices were always closed, and telephone contact was unsuccessful.

“They (WASA and government) blaming covid19 for everything, even this. Over the years the water supply to the area has gotten worse. It is like they forgot people lived up here.”

Lee told Newsday on Saturday that his office was aware of the situation and has reached out to WASA and the Minister of Public Utilities Marvin Gonzales, but they were yet to receive feedback.

He said a few weeks ago they received correspondence from the ministry asking for a list of the areas with water problems, but nothing has been done since.

“Rosehill has been one of the areas of priority because the situation there is continuous. Right now, I really do not know where to turn to.

“We will continue our efforts to assist as best as possible.”

Lee added that Claxton Bay was plagued with a lack of water and poor roads and attempts to get infrastructural relief has fallen short because of the failure of the relevant authorities to address the situations.


"No water for Claxton Bay residents since December"

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