A look at crucifixion of Jesus

THE EDITOR: Sathya Sai Baba in his discourses has beautifully recounted the story of Jesus and the true significance of Easter. The story begins on the night before he was arrested and crucified. Jesus had a last supper with his disciples. He shared bread and wine with them, telling them that the bread represented his body and the wine his blood, which would be “poured out for many for the forgiveness of sins” (Matthew 26:28).

Sai Baba reveals to us the true significance of the bread and wine offered at the Last Supper: Jesus said that the bread taken in the Last Supper was his flesh, and the wine his blood. He meant that all beings alive with flesh and blood are to be treated as he himself and that no distinction should be made between friend or foe, we or they. Everybody is his body, sustained by the bread; every drop of blood flowing in the veins of every living being is his, animated by the activity that the wine imparted to it. That is to say, every man is divine and has to be revered as such.

Jesus taught his disciples the principle of divine love. After the Last Supper, Jesus washed the feet of his disciples – including Judas, who betrayed him. After washing their feet, Jesus explained why he had done this: “Do you understand what I have done for you?” he asked them. “You call me teacher and Lord, and rightly so, for that is what I am. Now that I, your Lord and teacher, have washed your feet, you also should wash one another’s feet. I have set you an example that you should do as I have done for you.”

Jesus showed his disciples how to love each other and the entire world. Sai Baba has said: “Jesus washed the feet of his disciples. When they asked him why he was doing so, Jesus answered: ‘I am washing your feet as your servant, so that you may learn to serve the world.’”

Sai Baba has also explained the events leading to the arrest and crucifixion of Jesus. Baba’s words highlight the selfless love, sacrifice, forbearance and forgiveness that Jesus demonstrated:

“Jesus knew that God wills all. So even on the cross, when he suffered agony, he bore no ill will towards anyone and he exhorted those with him to treat all as instruments of his will: ‘All are one; be alike to everyone.’ Practise this attitude in your daily lives.

“The Roman rulers were told that Jesus was attempting to assert himself as king and so could be punished for treason. Their insistence made the governor order his crucifixion. When the nails were being driven into him to fix him on the cross, Jesus heard the voice of the Father saying, ‘All life is one, my dear son. Be alike to everyone,’ and he pleaded that those who were crucifying him may be pardoned for they knew not what they did. Jesus sacrificed himself for the sake of mankind. Jesus sacrificed his life and poured out his blood to instil love and compassion in the heart of man, so that man may be happy when others are happy and sad when others are sad.”

Like Jesus, Bhagavan Sri Sathya Sai Baba taught not just through words but through a lifetime of loving service to all beings. Both Jesus and Sai Baba have taught repeatedly and in many different ways that life is to be treasured and lived for the purpose of realising our divinity, constantly aware of the precious goal of life. Both taught that the road of the spiritual pilgrim is narrow and difficult.

It is a great challenge to live as Jesus did, practising forgiveness and giving love, yet with dedication to the righteous path and love as we follow him implicitly to reach the goal which is God Himself.

Sai Baba has therefore shown us that the true significance of Easter is the love, selflessness and sacrifice of Jesus. Even when he was dying, Jesus’s only thought was for the welfare of others, even those who had harmed him.


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"A look at crucifixion of Jesus"

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