India: A post-pandemic leader

THE EDITOR: The covid19 pandemic occurred at a time when humanity was – and continues to be – at a crossroads. Climate change, the global plastic scourge, ethnic tensions and social divisions were magnified with the many lockdowns worldwide. The world cannot continue to operate how it did pre-covid19. Honest introspection coupled with personal and political will to change is mandatory for our survival.

One country demonstrating this introspection is India Its vaccine diplomacy, known as "vaccine maitri" or vaccine friendship, owes its foundation to a most revolutionary idea first penned in the most ancient religious scriptures known to humanity. This principle is known as "Vasudaiva Kutumbakam," which simply translates to "The world is one family."

This bold statement is found in the Maha Upanishad and demonstrates the introspection and change needed in modern times: "The distinction of ‘this is mine, and that is not’ is made only by the narrow-minded. For those of noble conduct know that the world is one family."

The world's largest democracy is leading by example, rather than by words only. Even before vaccinating its own, India has shared its vaccine machinery with the world, with small nations right here in the Caribbean benefitting. Contrast this to the global superpowers that have hoarded more vaccines than they need and will share with others only when they have completed their vaccinations.

It will be wrong to suggest that India's approach to modern challenges is a reformation-only post-pandemic. In 2018, I visited India and saw first hand the concerted effort of environmental awareness, including mammoth reforestation drives and the reduction of single-use plastics. These initiatives were taking place in an environment of accelerated development.

It is unfortunate that many people in our post-colonial Trinidadian society, blinded by race and politics, are reluctant to embrace the humble leadership India provides in the 21st century. If we were to let go of these prejudices and propaganda, we might be able to change the trajectory of our lives and our nation.

This humble Trinidadian and descendant of the Indian diaspora pays tribute to India – and its leader, Sri Narendra Modi – for its leadership in the post-pandemic world. It must continue to be an example to the world. The consciousness of its people continues to echo today, as it did in the Upanishads millennia ago: "You are what your deep, driving desire is. As your desire is, so is your will. As your will is, so is your deed. As your deed is, so is your destiny."


Sangre Grande


"India: A post-pandemic leader"

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