My aching heart

THE EDITOR: I am 78 years of age. I am a Dominican sister of 60 years. I have been in education for 59 of those years.
The recent events unfolding in our beloved nation have evoked emotions in me that I did not know existed. The murder of Ashanti O’Riley was the catalyst. The murder of Andrea Bharatt brought copious tears.

Those young women reminded me of the countless students that I have interacted with at Holy Name Prep, Holy Name Convent, Clifton Hill Prep, St Dominic’s Convent in Malick, Barataria, St Dominic’s Children’s Home, principals and teachers of the CEBM where I worked for 13 years.

Their daughters and grandchildren are at risk. This is a totally unacceptable situation. After reading a letter from Hollis Liverpool (Chalkdust) in one of the dailies it confirmed my persistent questions. What schools did these perpetrators go to? Were there no teachers who were able to influence them in some small way?

I congratulate Liverpool for calling out those hardworking teachers and schools by name – Nelson Street Boys’ RC and St Mary’s College.

I remember too the wonderful teachers of Providence Girls (primary) and St Joseph’s Convent, Port of Spain (secondary). Prayers, concerts, singing, studies, games, etc were the order of the day. Even something called “politeness lessons” which made us giggle.

Example: When walking down the street with a young man, on what side of the pavement should you be? Answer: Away from the traffic!
How many times in my own teaching career have I not held a crying, upset student because of problems at home, abuse, divorce, hunger or other?

To date I have a wonderful relationship with those past students who still seek me out for advice, comfort, or celebration.
Where were these “perpatorators” nurtured? I refrain from the use of the word “monsters” as I wonder about their families and the effect this is having on them. Did they go to church, or pray, or belong to some sort of club or sports group?

Presently I live and work at St Dominic’s Children’s Home. Yes, a most vulnerable group. My heart aches for them when they “age out” of the home. Will they be the ones preyed upon?

I wish that I could have attended every vigil that has taken place throughout our land. I unite with the sorrow of Bharatt’s dad, family and friends. I have been praying for them and will continue to do so.

As a nation we know we have serious questions to answer. As educators, how has the system failed us? May God have pity on us and heal our land.

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"My aching heart"

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