MPs ready to take covid19 vaccine

Health Minister Terrence 
Deyalsingh. -
Health Minister Terrence Deyalsingh. -

A number of parliamentarians from both Houses and all sides on Wednesday saud they will take the covid19 vaccine once it is available.

Of those approached, the only exception was Independent Senator Dr Varma Deyalsingh, who said he has a pre-existing medical condition.

Deyalsingh explained, "Covid has put me in my own prison for a while. Even before the regulations for mandatory mask-wearing came into effect, I was wearing my mask outside, to and from Parliament."

He added, "My health would depend on normal safety protocols, hoping this virus virulence diminishes in time or the population immunity retards its spread."

Earlier this month, the Prime Minister said he would wait until next month to receive his vaccine through the Covax facility.

Last September, Government signed a commitment agreement with Covax to acquire up to 900,000 doses of approved covid19 vaccines for the population this year, though it is now unclear when the vaccines might arrive..

Health Minister Terrence Deyalsingh said, "Yes, sir."

National Security Minister Stuart Young said, "Yes. I am prepared to take the covid19 vaccine once it is my turn to do so. I have no hesitation in taking it."

Foreign and Caricom Affairs Minister Dr Amery Browne declared, "Of course, without hesitation."

Energy Minister Franklin Khan said, 'Yes I will."

Public Utilities Minister Marvin Gonzales said, " Of course. I will take the vaccine as soon as it becomes available to me, and will encourage all citizens to participate in this process for the national good."

Trade and Industry Minister Paula Gopee-Scoon said, "Certainly, on the advice of my doctors."

Minister in the Education Ministry Lisa Morris-Julian said, "Of course. I believe in vaccination. As a child, my parents took my siblings and I religiously to the health centre for our shots. I do the same today with my family."

Minister in the Agriculture Ministry Avinash Singh said, "Yes. I would be willing to take the vaccine once it becomes available." Government Senator Laurel Lezama-Lee Sing said,"Yes, I certainly am willing to take the covid19 vaccine whenever it becomes available."

Oropouche East MP Dr Roodal Moonilal said, "Wish I could have taken it already with the other millions of people across the globe. I am eager to take the vaccine and will do so according to the structure of priority and which level I fail in."

Reiterating the UNC's claim that Government failed in its procurement of the vaccines, Moonilal claimed, "With the PNM, I feel we will only get the vaccine when KFC start making them."

Oropouche West MP Dave Tancoo said," I am willing to take the vaccine when it becomes available to all nationals.

"I do not want my position as an MP to be the reason I have some kind of privileged access ahead of the average citizen, the poor or the underprivileged and others in society who are more at risk and more in need."

Opposition Senator Jayanti Lutchmedial said, "Yes I would be willing to take the vaccine. I know people have expressed concerns about it. I don't really share those concerns. I have not seen anything solidly scientific to say there is anything wrong with the vaccines."

Describing herself as " a relatively young and healthy person," Lutchmedial said, "I don't think there is any need for me to be given priority. I believe all vaccines we have access to right now, however little they may be, ought to be given to the frontline workers. Not just medical workers."

Lutchemedial also said the elderly and people with pre-existing medical conditions should have priority access to the vaccine.

Independent Senator Paul Richards said, "Yes, I would. It's the only responsible course of action."


"MPs ready to take covid19 vaccine"

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