PNM Women’s League hopeful UNC support will prevail

Camille Robinson-Regis
Camille Robinson-Regis

The Women’s League of the People’s National Movement (PNM) said it hopes the collaborative approach demonstrated in the Parliament on Friday marks a turning point for the Opposition.

The league referred to Opposition support for the passage of the Evidence (Amendment) Bill which was passed by 40 votes with no abstention.

Planning and Administration Minister Camille Robinson-Regis, who chairs the league, was the only member absent as she is on sick leave.

In a statement, the league noted the previous refusal of the United National Congress (UNC) to lend its support to the Government’s legislative agenda.

“Good sense has prevailed.

“We applaud the Government for continuously taking action legislatively and through the implementation of active policies to deal with the improvements in the criminal justice system.”

The League expressed confidence that the passage of this law will positively transform the nation.

“It will be an important tool in the arsenal of those who continue to fight diligently to reduce the number of heinous crimes that are being committed especially crimes against the vulnerable and women.”

Acknowledging the powerful voices of those imploring the Opposition to put the nation first, the League said it looks forward to more legislative collaboration specifically those that will impact on crimes committed against our women.

“We trust that this signals a turning point in the behaviour of the Opposition and that they will from henceforth see the wisdom of placing country before self.”


"PNM Women’s League hopeful UNC support will prevail"

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