Very weak Opposition

THE EDITOR: The debate on the no-confidence motion by the UNC against National Security Minister Stuart Young confirmed the oft-stated view that the present Opposition is one of the weakest to sit in Parliament since 1956.

It revealed an absolute lack of planning by the Opposition parliamentary caucus and really exposed its political immaturity. Apparently the caucus had no guidance either from the party leader or the experienced Dr Roodal Moonilal.

The Opposition’s voice was repetitive, disjointed and lacked substance when it should have been pointed, deliberate and substantive. The motion did not lend itself to a credible argument against a minister who was acting in the interest of protecting the people from an invisible enemy – covid19.

An experienced caucus would have known that 18 speakers talking about covid exemptions, Coast Guard boats, the helicopter issue and crime, without new information, would have run afoul of the Standing Orders. Clearly, the caucus did not plan for situations arising from the Standing Orders regarding the rules for debate.

This was evident because their speakers were easily derailed when government MPs raised objections. A caucus has to examine all aspects of parliamentary procedures when planning to deal with an important motion as the no-confidence.

Because of poor planning, opposition speakers appeared anxious to be saved by the clock whenever they faced interruptions during Wednesday’s debate. It was pathetic.

Sadly, Opposition Leader Kamla Persad-Bissessar exposed her incompetence by not fact-checking the information she received on the 17 diplomats who received exemptions for travel to Trinidad and Tobago.

It would seem to me that the Opposition motion of no confidence really turned out into an actual vote of confidence in Mr Young. He must now continue to keep us safe.





"Very weak Opposition"

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