Disgusting conduct by MPs

THE EDITOR: It was an enormous shame to see parliamentarians, who are supposed to be reputable and distinguished, do nothing but engage in contentious acts against each other.

By virtue of our votes, they have earned a place in Parliament for the purpose of making laws and debating the issues that concern the safety, security and welfare of the people.

But instead, based on what was reported in the media, both the Opposition and Government MPs converged to engage in recusal, objection after objection, thumping and constant disruptions last Wednesday during debate on the former's no-confidence motion, as if this was normal parliamentary behaviour.

These MPs are purported to be lawyers, doctors and generally people of distinguished moral character and learning, but their immoral behaviour, on display for all to see and hear, was totally disgusting.

Those on both sides who used rude and disrespectful tones should be sent to remediation school, if there is one, to learn how to conduct themselves in a decent and professional manner.

Some of us are ashamed of their behaviour; the web is a wide world of information and that permits anyone, including our children, to access and read how the government works and how elected officials conduct themselves. Shame on you, MPs.


New York


"Disgusting conduct by MPs"

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