A song of praise for Sandra

THE EDITOR: Fierce and powerful sistren; yet humble and loving. She sang the truth of our pain and disinheritance.

But, as the African woman always could, she would channel the pain into her music and dance with passion and beauty to our ancient rhythms.

Her loud raucous laughter distilled the energy of our jamettes to love, fight, laugh, survive, all without missing a beat. She was concerned about women’s issues...rape, sexual exploitation, domestic violence, and sang about them all. Her voice from the ghetto indicted us all, as changeless change marked the pass of time.

Now, with dignity intact, in this Carnival time, how she has steupsed at the official lack of cultural creativity, in this time of pandemic possibility.

Sing gloriously, sister, in the Kaiso tent in Orun. Watch your sister, Lady B, come to greet and be reunited with you. We pour libation for you. Travel safe, sister. Modupe. Modupe. For the power of your voice and your convictions.

Now you really are free as a bird. Greet your beloved Imale Ogun, Father of your Creativity and your Warrior hood. Ariwo Ogun yea, Ariwo Ogun yea. Dance and sing now. Dance, in transition from Aye to Orun. The struggle continues. Kaisonian, griot, you have played your part well. We pour libation.


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"A song of praise for Sandra"

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